Gaywaves is the longest continuously aired LGBTQ public affairs radio program in Ohio and probably beyond, having originally aired as Radio Lambda in the 1970s. The show's expanded format and pre-recorded interviews have given the opportunity to share parts of the show beyond NE Ohio. This podcast is the best of the recorded interviews with LGBTQ news makers and opinion shapers from all over the country. The interviewer is Eric Resnick, a premiere LGBT newspaper journalist formally with the now defunct Gay People's Chronicle. The podcast features newsworthy interviews with national LGBT political figures, activists, and community leaders.
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Gaywaves interview with Lucas Acosta of the Human Rights Campaign
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Lucas Acosta is the National Press Secretary for Campaigns for the Human Rights Campaign. He came on Gaywaves for his second appearance to talk about the national election results, the future of the Equality Act, and what to expect from a Biden/Harris administration, with and without a Democratic controlled U.S. Senate.
This segment aired November 12, 2020.
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Recorded the morning after one of the most dramatic elections in U.S. history, Equality Ohio's policy expert came on Gaywaves to talk about the new political landscape in Ohio, the future of LGBTQ legislation and efforts at equality.
This segment was broadcast November 5, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Interview with Hamilton County Sheriff candidate Charmaine McGuffey
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Few out LGBT candidates have generated more excitement than Hamilton County (Ohio) Sheriff candidate Charmaine McGuffey. This is because McGuffey, a Democrat, is far and away the most qualified candidate for the job, and also because during the Democratic primary, retired deputy McGuffey defeated her former boss by a huge margin. He fired her because she is a lesbian five years earlier. The race has garnered national attention.
"I began getting calls from people of Hamilton County who asked me if I would run for Sheriff. When I got those calls I began to take it seriously and I realized I could do a better job." -- Charmaine McGuffey.
This segment aired May 28, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Interview with Mark Carr, candidate for Ohio House of Representatives
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Mark Carr is the Democratic candidate for Ohio House of Representatives District 71. Carr is a former school board president, and former first grade teacher, now a national sales director.
"I got into politics to fill what I see as a void when it comes to representation, not only for marginalized people, but just for the people of this district. I think for too long there has been representation for a select few." -- Mark Carr
This segment aired September 3, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Interview with Green Party vice presidential nominee Angela Walker
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Angela Walker is the Green Party's vice presidential candidate in 2020, on the ticket with Howie Hawkins. She is the first openly queer candidate nominated by her party to such a high office.
In this interview we get to know Angela Walker, her politics, and her life story, which also intersects with her being a black woman and a long time community activist and organizer, the mother of one, grandmother of five.
Walker has spent her adult life fighting for justice for human beings and life on our planet, and that includes LGBTQ justice.
Walker says, "What do you want to see in the world going forward, and how do we get there? And if you're not being offered what you want and what you need at this point, by the binary, by the duopoly, then perhaps people need to start looking outside."
This segment aired July 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Interview with LGBTQ Task Force director Rea Carey
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
LGBTQ Task Force director Rea Carey announced her retirement in February 2021. She has headed the nation's preeminent grass roots LGBTQ organization since 2008 and was on its senior leadership team prior.
Carey came on the show to talk about her experience, and the interesting times in which we live. She reflects, and looks forward as to what the LGBTQ movement will need to do to continue moving forward.
Of the moment, Carey said, "We are incredibly resilient... We wrote the blueprint to get those changes in the first place, and we know how to win them back, and we will."
This segment aired October 22, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Interview with NCLR Legal Director Shannon Minter on US Supreme Court matters
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
National Center for Lesbian Rights legal director Shannon Minter came on Gaywaves during the Amy Coney Barrett hearings to discuss her appointment, prospects for LGBTQ rights issues in the federal courts going forward, and a road map for LGBTQ rights to advance in the future.
"I am concerned about a lot of things that could happen if Amy Coney Barrett is put on the Court, but I am not particularly concerned that reversing Obergefell would be in the cards for a number of reasons." -- Shannon Minter
Minter's candid assessment differs from the political perspectives dominating the mainstream media and are divorced from the presidential campaign.
Also discussed in depth is the Fulton v. City of Philadelphia case that will be heard by the High Court the day after the election. Fulton will prove to be a more consequential case for LGBT equality going forward than anything out there right now, and it is not getting much attention.
A correction needs to be noted. The host incorrectly describes Jonathan Capehart's husband as a strategist for the DNC. In fact, he was an Obama appointee working for Hillary Clinton in the State Department.
This segment aired October 15.
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Gaywaves interview with Craig Covey
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Stark County Ohio Treasurer candidate Craig Covey has an interesting story to tell. He has been an LGBT rights activist and Democratic party activist most of his adult life, having such credits as the first openly gay elected delegate t a Democratic National Convention, which happened in 1980, and having helped to create what is now Stonewall Columbus, one of the largest LGBT service organizations in the midwest.
This segment aired September 24, 2020.
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Gaywaves interview with Dr. Doug Van Auken
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Dr. Doug Van Auken is a pioneer nationally, and certainly in NE Ohio in the field of LGBT health care. He started practicing treating people with HIV/AIDS, and created the Pride Clinic in Cleveland.
Upon his retirement, he reflects on his career and the health needs of the LGBT community.
This segment aired September 17.
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Gaywaves interview with Sandra Kurt
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Sandra Kurt is the Summit County, Ohio Clerk of Courts, on the ballot for re-election November 3.
In this interview she talks about being the first openly LGBT elected official in Summit County, recruiting and mentoring other LGBTQ candidates as they get elected, and what it will take for her to remain in her seat.
This segment aired September 17.